Although the word's origin is Javanese, its etymology may be either from the Javanese amba ('to write') and titik ('dot' or 'point'), or constructed from a hypothetical Proto-Austronesian root *beCík, meaning 'to tattoo' from the use of a needle in the process. The word is first recorded in English in the Encyclopædia Britannica of 1880, in which it is spelled battik. It is attested in the Indonesian Archipelago during the Dutch colonial period in various forms: mbatek, mbatik, batek and batik
Lampung has its own uniqueness motives. It is different from the motives of other regions in Indonesia, tracing the history began to recognize art Lampung textiles since the 18th century coincided with the entrance of the influence of Indian culture that began to enter the waters of
The motifs are generally known in the fabric of Tampan, Palepai and Tatibin. and the craftsmen who used to be famous in Lampung many come from Kalianda and Krui they referred to as the Paminggir, Krui, Abung and coastal people (Orang Pesisir).